The indians Trade Deadline

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By: Jamie Renner 

Okay, so the trade deadline came and has passed leaving a multitude of teams either stacked like a video game or completely gutted. But then, of course, you have a finite amount of teams that are in limbo and have a lot left to be desired and in typical fashion, the Cleveland Indians are one of them. I am completely indifferent about this entire process and quite honestly more disappointed than ever before. Since 2014 all we have done is continue to add talent at the trade deadline to either build for our future or help us immediately. Neither of those things happened. 

So here is how the entire trade deadline went. 

We traded: 

- Jordan Luplow 

- Yanier Diaz (low-A ball catching prospect who bats .300) 

- Eddie Rosario 

- Cesar Hernandez 

- DJ Johnson (triple A bullpen pitcher) 

- And Phil Maton 

In return we received:

- Konnor Pilkington (rule 5 draft eligible Chicago White Sox prospect from Mississippi State, go bulldogs) 

- Peyton Battenfield (#29 prospect in the Tampa Bay Rays farm system… should slot in where Carlos Vargas currently is.) 

- Myles Straw (should be our starting centerfielder) 

- And Pablo Sandavol who we DFA’ed in like 30 minutes 

So yeah, not good, but we clear up 5 40-man roster spots that can allow us to pick up the options on players who are rule 5 draft eligible and secure them for the future. Which is very nice considering WE HAVE 37 PROSPECTS WHO COULD LEAVE and we do not want that to happen. 

I was hoping that Brian Shaw and Amed Rosario were going to get traded, just because of how valuable bullpen arms are and how much more well rounded Rosario has become since coming over to Cleveland. Neither of those happened, but so be it. This offseason is most likely going to be Amed Rosario’s last with the club and I cannot blame the front office if they do trade him. He has become a much better overall player and the need for shortstop around the league is real. 

Other than that, good job by the organization to open up spots, now it is time to see this farm system in action with the big league club. 

The white flag has been waived and now is the time to finally stop reminiscing about 2016. We have a new group of players that are on the come up that need to find their identity in this league. Cleveland’s farm system is great and the front office is smart… Good things will fall into place, time and patience are key in this awkward transition. We know what this clubhouse is finally, now is the time to just let the kids play. 

In the world of prospect news: 

- Bryan Roochio and Bryan Lavastida both got the call up and are in double A which is phenomenal as they are 2 prospects who will (if they continue to mature and develop like they are) contribute to this big league club in 2023 if all goes well. Bryan Roochio is a shortstop who can become a switch hitting nightmare at the plate and is 20 years old. Reaching double A ball at 20 is no joke and the kid is legit. Bryan Lavastida is a 22 year old catcher who has a batting average of +.300 and a super solid glove. Another solid piece to this future stud squad coming through the pipeline. 

- Richard Palacios got the call up from double A ball and is set up to be the Clippers starting second baseman (or outfielder depending on the infield situation). With him being 24 years old, he could very well be called up in September along with a few others that I am really interested in seeing. 

- Andres Giminez is in the process to become a US citizen, which is why he is not playing second in the bigs. Owen Miller looks to redeem himself.


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