Amed Rosario Deserves Another Article

By: Jamie Renner

The day Francisco Lindor was traded, Cleveland was hurting. From Lebron to Lindor, it is not

shocking seeing players leave, we have gone through that song and dance before. It sucks, the

city is great, the people are actually super nice and welcoming, and the summers are great. Unfortunately

some guys are built for the big city and Francisco Lindor was one of them.

But nonetheless, a trade happened and it consisted of:

New York Mets acquiring: Francisco Lindor, and Carlos Carrasco

- Francisco Lindor slashline .220/.319/.350/.669 with an OPS+ of 90 (100 is league


- Carlos Carrasco line: injured and does not look good. Has yet to pitch in 2021

The Cleveland Indians acquiring: Andres Gimeniz, Amed Rosario, Josh Wolf, and Isiah Greene

- Andres Gimenez was horrible in the majors, ultimately leading him to be demoted to triple A

ball for Columbus (not doing the best there either batting .245 and an OPS of .723 but

hey, he is only 22.)

- Josh Wolf with Lynchburg in single A ball he has a 4.66 ERA through 19 innings and

while he is only 20, needs to make some improvements. Way to young to really judge

- Isiah Greene...... has yet to play any baseball in the organization.

And then we have Amed Rosario. A guy who was really considered to be just a throw in piece in

the trade has ultimately turned into the guy who is benefiting the most from this entire deal.

From a .268 hitter with an OPS of just over .700, he has completely turned himself into what looks

to be a perennial All-star talent at the shortstop position and that is not an exaggeration to say.

The guy is quite literally playing the best baseball of his entire career. He has gone from a

hyped up prospect who seemed incomplete in his ability to live up to the praise. To now turning

into one of the most important pieces of the Cleveland Indians offense since being given the full

time job.

It is nice. Quite honestly, it is incredible. A huge sigh of relief that we finally have helped develop

a hitter into something he was supposed to be. I have had my personal gripes with Ty Van

Burkleo and I still think he should be fired, but hey a broken clock is right 2 times in a day.

Amed looks great and it is nice to see he is shaping into something special. Let's hope he can

keep it up all year.


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