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North Korea Changing Basketball??

By: Teddy Christopher

We all know North Korea as a pretty messed up country. They are run by an unstable dictator, Kim Jong-un, whose only friend is ironically, Dennis Rodman, who’s not known to be the most stable guy himself. You’d think they couldn’t get any worse, right? WRONG.

Look what these knuckleheads did to the rules of basketball! They changed the point system so that slam dunks are worth three points, field goals in the final three minutes of the game are worth eight points, three-pointers are worth four if the ball doesn’t touch the rim and if a player misses a free throw, one point is deducted from the team’s score. The only one of these I like is that you get 4 points if you swish a 3 pointer but that’s just me.

Comment and let us know if you like any of these rule changes and think the rest of the world should consider them for their leagues.